High End Pinot Gris Wine

High End Pinot Gris Wine

This grape leads a double life, having two names depending where it has originated from. Pinot Gris is the French term, although it doesn’t have a distinct flavour like Riesling and Moscata, it is famous for its refreshing and zesty acidity, high end Pinot Gris will get your mouth watering.

100% Quality Wine

1 of 5 products

  • Award winning
    Country: France, Alsace
    Grape: Pinot Gris
    ABV: 12%
    In order to be labelled as “Sélection de Grains Nobles”, each grape (infected with noble rot) is harvested manually one by one at the end of October or beginning of November, under state control. The grapes are then progressively pressed in a pneumatic press in order to extract the juice and aromas.The naturally present yeast on the grapes will start the alcoholic fermentation process that will change the grape juice into wine. Temperature controls are conducted throughout the fermentation proce
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